Motor Mouth
Greetings and felicitations earthlings... summer’s long gone but if this month is any indication of things to come, we’re hot for winter.
The CREEM Archive presents the magazine as originally created. Digital text has been scanned from its original print format and may contain formatting quirks and inconsistencies.
Greetings and felicitations earthlings... summer’s long gone but if this month is any indication of things to come, we’re hot for winter.
The scene: The Southfield hotel where the Faces were camped after their second Cobo Hall gig. After the show CREEM staffers Lester Bangs,
Robert Duncan, Sue Whitall and Air-Wreck Genheimer suggested to Ronnie “Rolling Stone” Wood that he accompany them in the infamous “Disco on Wheels” to an early morning party at a Detroit home. Woody went with his instincts and threw himself into the back of the “Disco” van alonjg with the tangle of human limbs that was CREEM. Bobby Womack injected a note of sanity into the proceedings by directing driver Air-Wreck to the party. “This is just like the Stones tour!” said a grinning Woody, crouching among the bricks and straw with beer and cig in hand. The contents of Disco mingled later at a party at Billy Preston’s sister Clare’s house, which was livened by a jam session featuring the Wood and Bobby Womack on guitars and Lester Bangs on vocals. Notables at the party included the Ruffins — David and of cour&e Jimmy, who’s married to the lovely Clare. The Disco awaits Woody’s next visit eagerly...
The Tubes bounced into Lansing for a date at the Silver Dollar Saloon (nee the Brewery) which was a good setting for the SF shock-theatre group, being small enough to allow the band’s theatrics to dominate the room. Visibility wasn’t too good, what with the crowd worked into a beer-soaked frenzy by the antics of Fee Waybill, Bill Spooner, et al. Later, at a party in the Tubes’ rooms at the University Inn a little rock ‘n’ roll violence was unleashed by CREEM, the Tubes and friends (including CREEM contributing editor Cameron Crowe). The Tubes determined to reciprocate and visit CREEM offices for some mayhem but just didn’t get it together. Hard luck, fellas. Maybe next time.
Lovely CREEM editor Jaan Uhelszki (whose former credits include a gig with Kiss) performed in the Tubes’ Masonic show. Jaan was the lady Fee Waybill chased with his Black and Decker saw up the center aisle.. .it’s only rock‘n’ roll, folks.
One of CREEM’s art directors, one Douglas Mumm, was passed off as Bruce Springsteen so successfully (in cap, leather jacket and jeans, Doug’s quite similar) that both members of the Tubes and the general public were convinced.. .one of the Tubes even bought a copy of Newsiuee/cthat Doug inked his name on. Hey, is this a new career? Doug’s preparing his first album, Greetings from Birmingham, Mich. While supping at his hotel restaurant young Cameron Crowe (who also sells himself to Rolling Stone) was slipped a note by two leftover Faces groupies... hmmm... who says writers don’t get tush?
Quite a jam the other flight when members of Astigafa, the Stratton* Nelson Band, and the Dan Schaffer Group took the place of Paddleffoot on stage at the Wagon Wheel for some impromptu riffs. One of the “Group” introduced themselves as “the real Paddlefoot.” The patter could use a little polishing up, boys. Olga, of Olga’s Souvlaki in the Birmingham’s Continental Market, has signed on the dotted line and a string of her souvlaki shops will be opening up from Ann Arbor to Gro.sse Pointe so you won’t have to work at CREEM to be able to munch on the tasty Greek sandwiches.
Swedish pastry Britt Eccchland did accompany Rod to Detroit (which she considers “revolting”. Her other word is “diabolical!”), but she and her honey Rod the Mod disappeared into their Sheraton suite and nobody Was much inclined to bother them.. .truly a relationship created in the back room of Rona Barrett’s office, n’est-ce pas?
OK, you’re all sick of the boy from Asbury Park, but just one more time... Bruce Springsteen put on a threehour extravaganza at the Michigan Palace and managed to keep his Motor City audience from ripping out the seats.. .Bruce took time out to visit the Ringling Bros./Barnum & Bailey Circus with lovely scribe Chris Brown of the Free Press before his show; afterwards downing burgers and beer at the Lindell A.C. with Chris and CREEM’s Fred Halstead. We won’t comment upon the wild dancing to Sam & Dave records that rocked the Heritage that night...
The Toys will arrive before Christmas. Who? Never mind, just watch out... Former Motor City bad Boy Andy Jay is now lolling around Hollywood helping out a new band known as Killer Kane, featuring former New York . Doll Arthur Kane and sorpe former Brats. So when will they be former Killer Kanes?
Former C JOM salesman Bill McKettrick now pounding the pavements for CREEM... CJ’s Paul Nathan and Bill Androsiac now at CHOM in Montreal...
Aerosmith manager Steve Leeber seen sulking around the Pontch’s TV bar after having to cancel their proposed Pontiac Metro Stadium concert. Average White Band’s Onnie McIntyre celebrated his birthday in Detroit, starting the festivities in the dressing room after the AWB’s Cobo appearance and ending them at the hotel where no guest escaped a cake bath.. .this lends itself to all kinds of “Cut the Cake” puns but we’re not biting...
WDET managedto raise $35,000 during pledge week thanks to Jerry Schoenith, who hosted a Halloween party at the Roostertail where the $2.00 per head cover was donated totally to WDET.. .we hear of cars lined up from the Roostertail to Masonic by people eager to get into the bash that went from 9p.m. until well after dawn. Look in the Ford Auditorium men’s room for some intellectual graffiti left there by Keith Reid, Procol Harum lyricist.
Our favorite T-shirt artiste, Robert Dempster, has opened a new shop in the old Birmingham Palladium called Artware.. .stop in for a look at some dyn-a-mite objets d’art andt’s.
Seen (andheard) attheTubes’ Masonic Auditorium date: former ABX-Mouths Dave Dixon and Jerry Lubin, who greeted opening Italian group Libra with an avalanche of verbal abuse... still haven’t lost the old technique, hey boys?
Reliable informant Dennis Frawley of ABX tells us that since the fall of the Detz regime Century Broadcasting’s Shelley Graff man (of KSHE in St. Louis) will be in command.. .loyal fans can expect to hear the station rock again...
A hearty “Welcome to Michigan” to lovely Lesley Levin who has joined ABX’s sales staff. Lesley comes from Toledo but we can’t think of any Toledo put-downs so we’ll let it go at that.
We don’t want to say we told you so (See last month’s EXTRA CREEM Disco feature) but the Detroit disco scene has just about fizzled out, what with too many people trying to jump on the bandwagon and an overkill of hotel ballroom discos.. .in a last attempt at the disco crowd WRIF’sTom O’Toole and partners brought the Isley Brothers to Olympia but the competition from Black Oak Arkansas that night was too stiff...
Heart Failure #99, eh Rick? Backstage at the Rick Wakeman show, tour assistant Tina brought a little blond girl of about four into Ricky’s dressing room saying, “Rick, I’ve something to show you...” Seems the tot had to be in bed'before the blond bombshell’s show started and just wanted to say “hi!”
Local boy Alice Cooper was in town for some tricks or treats at CKLW with Big Eight jock Teddy Bear. Alice’s two-hour stint as Big Eight jock included the Top Eight Halloween songs of all time, with the Coop’s “Welcome to My Nightmare” copping numero uno. Veteran Irish guitarist Rory Gallagher was presented to Detroit media by Russ Shaw of Chrysalis Records at an intimate St. Regis dinner.. .Rory hasn’t changed.. he promises to make “proper Irish coffee” for his friends upo n his return to Detroit.
UFO just can’t seem to keep their pants on. According to manager Hunter McDonald, the lead guitarist has gone through five pairs of trousers since the tour began, so the boys were dispatched to Fire Mill Village for some replacements before opening for Rod Stewart and the Faces.
J. J.’s in the Shelby is now operating on a limited basis — two nights a week with different bands when our spies last checked.
Tony Suhy, late of Mitch Ryder’s group, called to tell us about his new group, Coplanar, which is a jazz group along the lines of Herbie Hancock, Chick Corea, etc.. .hope to be hearing more from them.
Little known (in these parts) Scottish rocker Frankie Miller was in town recently to kick off a Stateside tour with his new band, featuring ex-Wings lead guitarist Henry McCullough and exSpooky Tooth bassist Chris Stewart . After opening for Quicksilver Messenger Service (the old original) at the Showcase Frankie and boys were faced with a lot of time on their hands because of three gig cancellations. All was not lost, because Warners nat’l promo man John Montgomery put his head together with the local WB boys and Judy Horowitz of Delphi Productions, and a date was set up at Novi’s A-Train. Spies tell us that Frankie’s of the Rod the Mod whiskey tenor school of voice...
Interesting sounds coming from Quorum, an Anglo-American amalgam of “progressive rock, although that term’s abused”.. .watch for them in local clubs...
Laura Davis of WABX got a surprise phone call on the air requesting that she play some Marshall Tucker.. .but since it was her program director making the request, something told her that her job was on the line. She refused, he fired her. End of story , finito. Locals say she fitted more into the station’s short-lived soft rock phase than its “new” rock ‘n’ roll format.
‘Twas particularly sad to see Cindy Felong go from the “X” — her indepth reporting and all-around newsgathering filled a definite Motor City need.. .now ABX relies solely on wire reports that the jocks read right off without any local news slant.
Ritchie Blackmore picked Dee-troit to rehearse his Rainbow before embarking on an extensive USA tour. 1 Ritchie put up at Howard Johnson’s and worked the kinks out of his light show (247 lightbulbs will be colorcoded to a computer) at the Showcase Theatre, leaving time to party later with his Motor City chums.
Highlight of a recent Morning Mouth show on CK was when guest George Carlin demonstrated some of his famous faces on the air. Great moments in radio ...
Remember that record “Gino Was A Coward” that was a hit several years ago? Think about it. Well, Gino Washington is back, with a varietytalk show on WGFR-TV Saturday nights at 7p.m.
Another big press bash at the Ponch (don’t journalists ever work?) honoring Dionne Warwicke and Thom Bell (producer/writer for D. W. and the Spinners). This was strictly a class affair, being a sit-down dinner with a '‘limited” guest list. Surprise guests included all of the Spinners, prez of Warner Brothers joe Smith, and “class affair” notwithstanding,
After playing a fast-paced set to a small but enthusiastic Masonic Auditorium crowd, Labelle wined and dined, and then wined some more at Carl’s Chop House with the likes of Epic’s Ron Douglas and Ron Linnum of Handlerrien’s.
CREEM’s own Robert Duncan and Air-Wreck, plus a drunk (no connection with CREEM) who’d come in from the rain and cold, and managed to hustle an autograph from Ms. Dionne. Chicago, in town for five days while doing a string of Michigan gigs, spied playing tennis with Bobby Ford and chums.
Be seeing you —