According to one Japanese music magazine, the biggest draw concert attractions 10 visit the land of the rising sun in 1973 were (in order): Yes. Diana Ross, Santana, the Cecil Taylor Trio, Leon Rusell&Shelter People, the Miles Davis Septet, the Temptations, Humble Pie, the McCoy Tyner Quartet and the Quincey Jones Orchestra.

June 1, 1974

The CREEM Archive presents the magazine as originally created. Digital text has been scanned from its original print format and may contain formatting quirks and inconsistencies.


Peter Wolf on how he keeps himself in tune for rite J.Geils gy mnastic assault: “I screw a lot..."

Take that, Rodney during the last Faces tour, the hand arrived * at the Tokyo airport to lie greeted by massive banners which read "Welcome Tetsu and the Faces.”

According to one Japanese music magazine, the biggest draw concert attractions 10 visit the land of the rising sun in 1973 were (in order): Yes. Diana Ross, Santana, the Cecil Taylor Trio, Leon Rusell&Shelter People, the Miles Davis Septet, the Temptations, Humble Pie, the McCoy Tyner Quartet and the Quincey Jones Orchestra.

■ When Mott the Hoopie next hit these shores, piano accompanist Mick B pit on wool be with them|| Seems he found life as a !|| Jehovah’s Witness more appeal[ ing^m) has been replaced by* Blue Weaver, formerly with the Straw bt and Amen Corner. *

-Hottest new group at the moment is the Hollywood Hackers, though yodTl never see them represented k on the Billboard charts. Why?

Because the Hackers is simply the Biame Alice Cooper uses to l describe his various golfing partnerships, and the cast has Keen known to include Hasty Nilsson, John Lennon, Iggy Pop. %Neii Diamond and sometimes even Johnny Mathis, No. Spiro Agnew yet, but Alice it trying.

CREEMmate is extra*ep^sd'on,a couple of counts, ft’s a painting by Belgian artist Guy Peellaert. whose book. Bock Breams, (with |||xt by Nick Cohn!) should | become a pari*of your library immediately. And it’s also tho -cover of Diamond Dogs, Bowie’s forthcoming album. On the album, Bowie plays all the guitar and is backed by. among others,

Hi rbie l lowers and Mike Carson (with Mick Jagger hovering in the background somewhere).

Not on biammd Dogs is the recent Bowie single “Rebel Rebel*” nor will it be released in the States as a 45. It’s a great ^ little piece of punk-pose, on which Bowie plays not only the .gumd %i^ werYpri^lnabrrnn^tvi as well. If your local import shop can’t unearth a copy for you, you might try Writing Jem Records’ '■Import Record Club. BO Box

Queen J the group that finished a Srprfsingly strong No. 2 to the Best New Groups category of the last CREEM Reader Roll - have * been going down a literal storm m JhHgaiid late. AT a recenP . university gig, there was a. ’ MHoale-ttet featuredtwo stebbings, more fist-fights than ’ could be counted, and enough chomjday to send filter of rite band’s road crew to the hospital.

Buying the stairway to heaven? it beknown that be considers Hawkwind to be the most highly ttreived bend on the planet. Coincidentally, that same band Hasdbne no less than three benefits for the imprisoned acid victim in the past year.

Jteiih Moon whom Ken Mils; once described as being one of “the only two natural at. tors I’ve ever met” (the other being Oliver Reed), is reportedly toying with a major part in a Kung Fu spectacle, Supposedly to Star ' one-time land one time only) James Bond George larenby. When asked about such a possibility,' Mr. toon replied, “A Dung Spew* movie, eh,) %ell, dear boy, they are not necessarily jktlppiSi” '/, 2

When David Essex first got to Los Angellpon the top of his sight-seeing list was - tor some unknown'Eatomantic reason ~ Watts. So off he and his entourage went, cameras in hand, to experience a real Eve American , ghetto, $&&$$$&* IbcaJs, howevei, didn’t take so kindly to f||e patronage and shouted (succinctly) *‘Why dun’* you get your white ass out of here!” , David, needless to say, complied. And limited his excursions ** thereafter to the likes of Dbseykmd and Knot’s Entry

Jethro Tull are looking for a '4, llrector for the movie they supposedly retired to make. Rock critic need not apply.

Elkie Brook%1^^»taste;i sweet freedom via her role in the London stage production of TommyJfym kissed Vinegar lot goodbyej Record companies are lined up outside her door, and she’s reportedly toying with offers to star both in a West End (Londpn’apqu i v; il ent of offBroadway) musical and a major televisiohcpl$S|The group, meartwhEe, has quietly disbanded.

Slat to clam up those unfortunate souls who keep blathering about a Cream reunion, Jack Bruce is now recording an album and will take it on the road sometime In tire Ml, On'the album, he’s backed by guitarist Steve Hunter (Detroit, j Alice Cooper. Lou Reed) and drummer Jim Keltner (Joe | Socker* Delaney & Bonnie)*

F oil owing a successful solo gig in London, a close friend of Alvin Lee reports that the guitarist will indeed remove himself from Ten Veers Afte&'”AWj^ WOUMJW' * I gone solo some time ago,” the llparce confided,.-,lacked Whe confidence,” Chrysalis, who

denying every thing m sight.

Blodwyn Pig, the band formed in 1969 by ex-Jethro Tull guitarist Mick Abrahams* has been revived and wilt now feature yet another ’ Tuii castoff: drummer CllVe ^ Bunker. Zzzzzzz... wonder if S| hey’ll tout with Fat Mattress.., mnwuizzz..*

fjhre is a good deal, of speculation that Sandy Denny* whose j|le career has been a little hri$ Han Inspiring, will rejoin her old group Fairpok Convention.

Steve Marriott and Greg Ridley have been in the studio without the other mcrnher~ of Humble Pie, and it's conceivable that .t duet album might result.

though ■tor was ( ^tending I i Night}, he | namely ■ s Furay is Hillman■ Sou| 1. which re led bon on dn

B|¥yet another John Kennoii story Scents John fl Bxpiessed an interest m greeting the plane that was transporting I Elton John to Los Angeles, m the Smopez of at lpast mating Ins hero m the flesh. He armed at the airport to find that BJ’s plane would be two hours late, however, and quickly retired to the airport bar, whete he was Horded at gunpoint to consume more liquor than any rational person would ever consider. When Elton finally arrived, Lennon j$ understood to have fallen to his weiees at sight of J “Elton, oooh Elton John.” ft’C not known whether he finally got ■I or not. H f I

David Essex recently gave a -conceit m 1 Jutland, but not as David l.ssex. He appeared as Tun MacLaiae, the character he acted out in Tkafil Be 'Hie Day and will carry through if s 60s follow-up, Stardust. The gig was fllmod for needed conceit footage m the flick, his band hping played (and quite well) by Keith Moon, Dave Edmunds and Paul Nicholas.

Roger MiGuinn, noted cx-Byrd and spate groupie (“Mr Spacemkt,M^CTA*10V* “Eight M&e^ High”). claims that a spaced aft returned the favor a couple months back, hovering for a time w the backyard ot hts 1 os A nudes home. Rog never did get to en tort jin the visitors properly, though. Seems his wife freaked lint, ran inside and closed the curtains.OhwetL*-* - /,■' *i

Garry Glitter's documentary film Remember This Way is mm&nHy making #te -England as part of a package which also includes Brother oj the Wind a lame attempt to capitalize on the success of Ulso Janie) Walt Disney animal adventures. It seems appropriate, if you think about it long enough.

Ran into Mike Qu'atro the other day, he living the brother of Suzi and finned lend of the keyboard death-ol-lhe-umveiso Mike Ouatro Jam Band. Mike was teaming on the praise that was tossed his way by fellow keyboardertmimiif RMrl Wakeman. **Yeah ,” Mike confided, “the first thing Rick did when we met was to admit to me that he’d stolen a l«»t of my licks P>r his last record. And then he told me that he didn't want Eddie Ofiord producing my next album, because he wanted lo do it ” The two titans are now obstacle now Bj the project at less than a ten , record set. '

Marc Bolan has split from producer Tony Visconti, oyer yom standard A*mdsieai differjj ences.” Bolan will henceforth produce himself, which may Or may not J& like gi^g a not tie of MMMBBMM to a potential

AH talk and no action? Not -this time: Alvht Lee Has finally leftTen Veen After.

Now that the band on Rack & Roll Animal is just A memory, Lou Reed is talking about putting a band together which might hold a couple of surprises, lake perhaps Steve Katz, ex-Blues Project %0L Blood Swe£|Js; Tears guitarist (and Lou's current producer). And there’s also talk of Doug Yule, a membei of the second-wave Velvet Underground and the scoundrel who kept ah abortive Velvets on the road long Hter the essence of the band (Reed, John Cale) had departed.

spring their last Ame*Kan tour, was meiheaid gushing about hi;» return to England, where he said that something special awaited him. That something turned out to he tw o black goats, though hard I > of your standard barnyard variety. These goats have gold-plated horns, a line of diamonds running down then torehoads. and will bo granted free lun ot the Osbourne household. flow really....

You can look for Roy Wood to have a strong hand in future of I ngbsh pop-throb

John McLaughlin has teen hi London df late, recording with the London Symphony Orchestra and looking for nice cleanout young men to assist him until

Hey kids, can y ou guess who the most expensive drummer in tins world might be? Buddy 'Ripfte|| Ringo Starr? Scott Ashefon? • Hope, it's none other than gvnslev Dunbar, whom it’s reported is demanding in the neighborhood of 3p0w a night fioni whatever band might require his services And solos, it hpghtW added, cost extra.

Kneel My Subscription To The Resurrection, Please Frank Sinatra’s new single is a cover pt “Bad Bad Leroy Brown.” V',