Why is it you guys devote so much material in your rag to hypes like Alice Cooper, yet refuse to interview someone who REALLY has his head together, like say, for instance, Cat Stevens? Tim Jurgens did an admirable job on the “Aladdin Sane” review.

November 1, 1973

The CREEM Archive presents the magazine as originally created. Digital text has been scanned from its original print format and may contain formatting quirks and inconsistencies.


Please send letters to:

MAIL Dept., CREEM Magazine P.O. Box P-1064, Birmingham, Ml 48012


i just bought david bowie’s rise and fall of ziggy stardust, and we were wondering if the song lady stardust was written about alice cooper?

g.b. and a.c.

oxnard, calif.

(Try Marc Bolan. - Ed.)



Why is it you guys devote so much material in your rag to hypes like Alice Cooper, yet refuse to interview someone who REALLY has his head together, like say, for instance, Cat Stevens? Tim Jurgens did an admirable job on the “Aladdin Sane” review. I’d like to see him handle Stevens the way he did Bowie. It’d be great to see what any of your writers could do with someone who isn,’t possessed with the demons of glam-rock; or an artist without homosexual tendencies.

Speaking of which, I enjoyed your Androgeny Hall of Fame article. Why wasn’t Lester Bangs included?

Disappointed in Peekskill

("Cat Stevens will be a hairdresser in ten years." - Brian Cullman, CREEM, October, 1972-Ed.)

REPORT FROM THE HONK Y Rob Houghton wrote that the rich are different from you and I. Well, I’m rich and I would like to tell you about my town, where everybody’s rich. They’re all so polite. Even the police smile and say sir when you jaywalk or when they ask for your I.D. because you’re walking down the street at 4 a.m. (there’s a supermarket open 24 hrs.) You can tell new arrivals cause they say hi when passing you by. We, not wishing to offend with some crude remark, just blink and look away. No one plays their records too loud even though you just know some of them have Crown power amps. There’s bingo every Wednesday at 8 p.m. at the Sacred Heart Church, and all bars require jacket arid tie during dinner hours until closing. And CREEM is not available at any newstand. I get mine by prescription to keep from going crazy until I can afford to leave.

Yours in good taste,

Rich Witham

Hartsdale, N.Y.

Being an avid collector of Beer Cans I wondered if it would be possible to obtain a “Boy Howdy” beer can, empty of course.

If this is at all possible I would greatly appreciate it if you would send one to this address and bill us for any charges.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Yours very truly,

Larkin J. Gram 1


My brother found a copy of CREEM at the dump, so he brought it home and gave it to me, and I read it, Man it was the groovest magazine I read in years. Keep up the good work.

William Bridges New Orleans, La.


I was wondering if you could help me with this trouble I’m having with pronunciation. Is David Bowie pronounced Bowie as on Boner, Bowie as in Bowel, or Bowie as in Boob? Your help, in this matter will be greatly appreciated. (Incidentally, CREEM is one hell of magazine!!)


Butte, Montana

(As in Bozo. - Ed.)


Howdy Queerbait!

I know you’ll think that I’m a dumbo for asking this but what does “R & B” mean? Dumbo in L.A.

(We don’t know either; whadda the rest of you think? - Ed.)


After reading Lester Bangs’ article on Lou Reed, I figured - Christ, I have to get this album - partly but of curiousity, well, maybe all out of curiousity. WHAT A LOT OF GARBONZOSH I mean, Jesus, that music has absolutely ntf" redeeming musical features whatsoever. Through most of the cuts, he sounds as if he were a victim of a scotch stupor... and he cari’t rely on all of that bisexuality crap to hold an album together. It’s a good idea, but he just didn’t ace it.

I have decided that the best part of the album was the interview by Lester Bangs.

My advice to Lou - join Alcoholics Anonymous and then try to put out another album with a little less of an aim to try to shock the hell out of people, and a little more of an aim to employ some talent. (If you drain him it’s probably there).

My advice to CREEM - give Lester Bangs something else to do other than interviewing alkes and suckering dinks, like myself, into blowing $5 on crap like Transformer. -That’s 10 pts for you, Lester.

Martha Dickie

Ottawa, Ont.

P.S. May I suggest Jimmy Osmond. No matter how well Lester writes that article, I know I won’t buy the album.


On page 28 of the Aug. 73 issue, who is the group in the pictures!?! (Ivm already crackers, but I can’t slip completely before I get my CREEM back issues!) The picture’s got to be of the Rolling Stones! Seriously! It looks exactly like them! Standing from right to left they would be Charlie Watts, Mick Jagger, Keith Richard, and Brian Jones; seated, Bill Wyman. No other five people in the world would look just like them, even with wigs, dresses and makeup!

Janet Bayers

Canoga Park, Cal.

P.S. Did Mick Jagger get his name in “Performance” from the disease Turner’s Syndrome?

P.S.S. (or whatever!) If that is a picture of the Stones, who was the photographer, what year and month was it taken and for what reason?!?!?!? Mick’s kinda cute!

(The picture was taken, by an unidentified photographer, for the jacket of the “Have You Seen Your Mother, Baby ” single, sometime in 1967. - Ed.)


Let’s get things straight - what I sound like is a male Brian Wilson. Got that?

Brian Cullman



Your review for Kantner and Slick’s album was just too much. I’m sorry that Wes Goodwin is such an imaginative comic artist. Maybe you can feature him in an issue of Weekly Reader or Casper Comics. If they turn him down, he can write a real record review. But that might be too easy. Let’s just stick to pictures, Wes. Where’s rock music heading too? It’s getting to be that the real musicians are unimaginative old fuddy-duds and the wild, wonderful and commercial stars are the ones who are just-oh! So wonderful. Well if wonderful is where it’s at with you guys, just have a wonderful time with your BopperIdols. You need them (and yotir comics too).

Keith Abney

Dayton, Ohio

it’s too bad that most qf the people who write to you can’t spel. nothing takes the bitterness out of a hate letter (or the passion out of a love letter) as mispeled words do. anyway thank you oh so much for the articles and pictures of zeppelin. i got gypped buying another, magazine which said “jimmy page and zeppelin” in big letters on the cover and actually it was a crummy little one page thing with a real one inch by two inch black and white picture, keep up the good work, (cliche!)

most sincerely

jane austen

(THE led zeppelin freak)


First of all, please tell Lisa Robinson that her “Eleganza” column is completely boring and unnecessary. Anybody living in the 70s with eyes (sorry Ray & Stevie) can see what all these wienies are wearing on stage without her tacky rundown. Second of all, Lisa, Leee Black Childers spells his name with three e’s (as in eeek!) and I’d like to state right here that he can be my “Man in Havana” any time he’s ready (don’t look for me at Rodney’s, Leee; that place is Romper Room).



Mars (you know - Hollywood)

P.S. For Christ sake will SOMEONE print a picture of Chris Jagger before I freak out in a moonage daydream.


listen ya creeps anne murray is about as straight as we are so ya better knock off printin such crap, if she wants to stay in the closet & be the sweetheart of Canada thats her business but it gives ya no call to shove her into the garbage bin labeled STRAIGHT, shes got a large lesbian following for about the reason you might expect - byrds of a feather etc. as a matter of fact knock off labelin women in general as straight — that goes for baez, joplin, fanny and the rest - cause theyre not and its time for this nonsense to STOP, altho come to think of 4t claim patti smith as straight if youd like to - shes such a suckup. otherwise GET BACK.



p.s. tell lester bangs he better stay off vashon island too!


Any cretins who can compare Bette Midler to the Crystals, Chiffons, Shangri-Las, Ronettes... among others, should be PUT AWAY/SENT TO THE MOON/SHIPPED TO SIBERIA/BURIED IN PUMICE/ETC. LISTENING TO A BETTE MIDLER RECORD IS MORE PAINFUL THAN LISTENING TO A SHA NA NA K-TEL RADIO COMMERCIAL TRYING TO TELL YOU THAT THAT’S ROCK AND ROLL, that’s about how much relation it bears to anything associated with the term “rock and roll” unless I’m a tripodal giraffe and the Andrews Sisters are the heaviest group since Led Zeppelin, I co.uld go on but there’s no need. Crescenzo Capece said it all, much better than I ever could. I asked him if he really meant it and he said “I’D LIKE TO CUT HER HEAD OFF WITH MY BARE HANDS SO SHE’D NEVER SING AGAIN!!!!!!” I started to ask him why but the reason was obvious: BETTE MIDLER TRYING TO SINQ “LEADER OF THE PACK” WAS THE MOST GRUESOME MONSTROSITY SINCE THE BEGINNING OF TIME.

Stooges Fan Club Hollywood, Calif.


That was interesting, your story about the movie The Erotic Adventures of Zorro (Apr.) because he was the first person I ever had sexual fantasies about.

I wasn’t yet in kindergarten and here is what I thought about: I’m on the beach lying

under a huge umbrella, watching a portable TV and I have pn a ruffled bathing suit. Zorro comes up behind me and sticks his sword between my buns! Night and day I was preoccupied whenT was four years old.

Pamela Eagan

Babylon, N.Y,


CREEM is an alright magazine except for one thing, you very seldom do an article on Alice Cooper, why?!!!

Sheldon Meredith (girl)

New Orleans, La.

(We’ll try to amend that in the future. Meanwhile, check out our June '73 issue cause it’s got three of ’em. - Ed.


I’m so sick of all this jive on people who aren’t gay. If Rod Stewart is-gay why would he write only about girls? Do you have proof that he’s gay? We have proof that he’s not. As for David Bowie, he’s our favorite so I’d advise you to stop picking on him. Did you ever meet him? We did so you don’t know what you’re talkin about. Just because he dont dress like some other people dont mean he’s gay. That’s one of the things that’s so special about him. Donovan likes flower power. What’s wrong with liking nature. Where did you get that jive about Elvis being a fag? He kissed girls at every show. He didn’t get married to prove, he’s not gay or make himself feel better either. Ask his (ex) wife if you don’t believe. What’s the matter with ya, CREEM, afraid the teeny-boppers will bite ya leg?

Maria & Debbie

Brooklyn, N.Y.

BOLAN'S A STRAIGHT MAN I’m writing to you because of what Wayne Robins said about Marc Bolan’s album Tanx. I’d like to see Jimmy Osmond bust Bolan’s jaw. Jimmy is too busy wanking in his room to bust anybody in the jaw. Besides Bolan wouldn’t waste his time on a little jerk like that. And what about that fag Lou Reed? Bolan sure the hell ain’t no fag. You’ll never catch him fingering the Dippity Do Jar.

Julie Mattingly

Bloomington, Ill.

(Mdybe the K. Y.... - Ed.)


I have a question to ask you:

What does MC5 mean?

Examples: June Issue page 31 Column 2 Paragraph 3. “the first product of the assocation was the Chandler-produced Play It Loud, an album which might be compared in slash and grit with the MC5’s studio efforts.”

June Issue page 69 Column 2 Paragraph 4. “Black Oak Arkansas is the next MC5H!”

Please write back and tell me the answer or print it in your next issue.

Your true fan,

Brad Dawson

Fort Dodge, Iowa

(The MC5 was an American rock ’n’roll band from Detroit and environs which flourished briefly at the end of the Sixties. They played a hard-driving brand of music referred to as “high-energy jams. ” Their three albums, Kick Out the Jams, Back in the USA, and High Time are generally regarded by critics and aficionados as classics. They broke up in 1972, though some of them are nqw in a Midwestern group called Ascension. - Ed.)

LISTEN TO THE COLOR OF YR DREAM I had a dream the other night.

I was listening to the radio when a voice came and yelled “Ladies and gentlemen, the world’s greatest rock ’n’ roll band, The Rolling Stones.”

Then I heard Brown Sugar begin. A man’s voice butted in and said “Now you too can have lovely hair like Mick Jagger’s with Rolling Stones Shampoo.”

Sweet Dreams,


Ogallalla, In.

SO HIS MOTHER'S NOT ALONE Don’t you ever have anything good to say about Terry Knight? I took Robot A. Hull’s advice and went to a bowling alley. Jeez, I was almost raped! Let’s get the dopers, rapists, and pimps outa the bowling alleys and back on the streets where they belong. I still love ya, Robot. And, Terry Knight, if you’re reading this, I love you more. 'You’re really a good guy.

Toby Fleming

Orient, Ohio



Jeez O Wow Hully Boola! Boy I can’t wait till Slade conquers America. I can’t wait to shell out $6.50 to see Noddy Holder come on the stage. Maybe if I offer him a succulent young virgin punk he’ll get if off (on stage) in a Shasta root beer bottle, which will in turn become an everlasting shrine to true grit rock ’n’ roll, and every half-assed moon a Slazed rocker will be ritually sacrificed,..

Also tell Lester I still love/hate him although his repressed punkitude is showing around the edges. Derek & the Dominos In Concert may not stand as solidly as Layla or most of Clapton’s pre-Dominos stuff, but it’s rested upon my turntable 25 more times than Zep’s suck-face latest opus. Watch it Bangs, or you’ll end up in exile among the bowling alleys of rock with Robot A. Ten Pen...

“The Masked Pinto”

Wabash (The Walled Lake of Indiana), Indiana

This is in reguards to your album reviews by Lester Bangs and his marauding suckers. Alice Cooper has more class than you give him credit for! I must say that you people missed the concert of the year at the St. Louis Hockey Arena. His music and stage acting far surpasses anyone else. In the show, Alice asked for the dirtiest words the fans could think up. Everyone stood up and shouted out in unison... LESTER BANGS! I guess that proves it.

Steve Wilson

O’Fallon, Ill. .

Hey! All right — Ed Ward you’re beautiful! You’ll never know how good your review of Eat It by the rockin’ Pie made me feel. How about more of that kind of stuff on the Pie in CREEM? It’s the only thing lacking in your mag... Now that they’re back in the States, catch ’em!

Keep on rockin’ & stay hot ’n’ nasty,

Lots of love,

Annette Arieta

La Mesa, Cal.

Thanks (for “Utter Trash - Krupp, Skull & Crumb,” an excellent review which dealt, for once, with RECENT publications in a coherent manner.

One correction, however. “Deviant Slice” comix was not produced by Last Gasp, but rather by the Print Mint, 830 Folger Ave., Berkeley, Calif. You may also be interested to note that they have just published “Deviant Slice No. 2,” guaranteed to be a new high, in media slime.

Greg Irons

GI/TV World Headquarters


Gee! About six weeks ago I went down to 7/11 to buy me sum Rolling Stone. But!!! they didn’t have itso I sez: “Frank you gotta get sumthing to read,” and so I look through the normal scum, 16, Hit Parader, you know, an all of a sudden this magizine cums out of no where, and so I looked thru it, Goddamn it, I loved it and I bought it, tookit HOME read it an even liked it.

Thanx for being better than Rolling Stone and having better pictures too.


Frank Campagna

Glen Ellyn, Ill.

P.S. Since I wrote such a nice letter ’n’ everything, and everybody’s bitchin about the polls, and my heros Marc Bolan, David Bowie and even Todd Rundgren were all punks of the year, can you fit my name in there too!!! Thanx again.

P.S.S. Iz there any cure for addiction to a magazine lik&CREEM?

(A sense of humour. - Ed.)