Hey kids the Beatles are back! At least, that’s what a couple of LA radio stations would have you believe. KMET and KROQ are fighting it out to see can be the first to conclusively substantiate claims that the Fab Four are tucked away in some LA studio, making music that the world will soon be privileged to hear.

June 1, 1973

The CREEM Archive presents the magazine as originally created. Digital text has been scanned from its original print format and may contain formatting quirks and inconsistencies.


Hey kids the Beatles are back! At least, that’s what a couple of LA radio stations would have you believe. KMET and KROQ are fighting it out to see can be the first to conclusively substantiate claims that the Fab Four are tucked away in some LA studio, making music that the world will soon be privileged to hear. So ftu all Capitol l~eco~ds will acknowledge H the presorted „Of John and George on a couple sessions for a forthcoming Ripen album but it s obvious to .in; || man that Paul couldn't possibly lio provnt h'-eausc I) tin1 i government won’t let the fanner , tn. pending the outcome ot his dope bust and 2) lie K dead

An electrical engineer has patent d a music \emltrnt machine ildiieh, whetr fed the proper amount of money. will cough up your selection ready-packaged on cassette.

Mike Love’s answer, by the way, is to get organized meditation into the prisons. So far, no takers.

The Osmond Brothers arc set to release'm album that Allan Osmond calls their S«r. Pepper. *

jjpte fost/Fasm Organ teat ion has' mst completed a d. al with T V | record tycoons K-Tel. whereby they will purchase K-Tel’s surplus stock The reason? To market the albums to record stores, .Sonnllnhg seems backward somewhere

Country crooner Ferlin Husky takes Im ctvte respotwibiluy -crtcnislj lie s now a deputy sheriIt in various counties of 1 7 state?, and a sergeant in tire Ilflstor-cL Miphtf&m police Hepditmeul.

Sorry Knight has taken over I management ot a supergrotip I called 1 aith batretnscitv ?. ■ I divulge any into on them, a! 1. ast I drttil their debat tdbatn has been g released. Me has. however, been observed hobnobbing in London ' with several sensitive heavies who \wouldn't want their pad tame and fortune to interim* with th ■» ability to tnyke vvoithv hifc mum jjjhen again, rumor has u that the I “supergroup” is composed of former members ot Mom's Apple Pie and Chtlhwaik When in doubt, change the channel

j|Maek Sabbath’s Tony lorn puis sponsoring a new group called Nmomaudus, who hail front the vbhuni’s hometown of Carlisle*. "We feci." viul one memlwr of I Re group, 'That we’re getting what we deserve."

Deep Purple wore besieged m their Naples. Italy, hotel recently by 3.000 angry fans after fhe Mind had arrived fate fot a concert there, Gun-brandishing police had to be called to gttell the consumer upiusing

Emersm4 Lake & Palmer arc flauntine their impending world tour at the most spectacular event since Cincinnati. it's a caravan called `Get Me A Ladder.' and it requires the services of 50 tour personnel and `It tons of equipment. as stell as the dreaded "Proscenium," a tpecialty designed Roman stage. "Our aim with the `Protcenium. said a responsible spokesman, it to create a s>mpathetic wiring for the group's new musical concept." Wonder It' they'll proside pilloss s'

Mkhaei lennelly, -~v~r~ th~ig ot ( rubb~ Appk~tm (f~dur~d on tli~~'~ oni moflh~ 10 havo a~bum on F pie

"Pr(~hJt us~d h~ RoIIiru~ Stont~s' .jok~tn 1k rrin to i-u intr~ th~it M~ck Ja~er nU Andy Warhot ir~ t~n iin~r for j.~ LlL.~J to \t i1i~ 1~ pop\tar witt~y 13i~nt.~t .l~z~r i% tOdIV Ork1fl~ on thi~ i~i~ with \V.~rhoI to ovt~rdu1~ t~&~ nd ciIpt it O~~r ci W~rhot~ Mr. 1 i"~i1 itnd cn~nnc~r of theo11abor~tion. i~ -tJ~a ropor~~d to lx prshtng for i \ndr (cid~\ 1'h~ Cnc~ ol th~ Vatic~cn. In \.~ litc.~h \~ts~1c and 13ian~~ s otdd c~Q-~~j~ i'~ ot1~r and `~i~t~r,

50 htL~r 1ht4~)f~ 01 `Ic & Roll d0c im1~ry *~mh~Qd by III~I !)rc~k~ a k'~~ `~`c~rs b~n r u~'~1~t In th 0UL~ of the I IIh Ral Dktrkt Ht. for use m die ‘'Operation Homecom 1 fgdLtenfpiGiy program for re ty ruing FOW’s. Winch makes sense, we guess, but noi/utrj V going to prepare; ’em for the Stooges!

\ policeman ssas tabbed and two ushers i etcncd minor i1e~h St o' LuLls out'~tde a 3 ames Brown suusv at 1 nndnti s Rainhust l'ltea t fl.,'. When an `ncr-alert hohb~ at tent pled to arrest a pick `~ ke t he s; as attacked by seseral of the criminal's slimy buddies, and the usher~ were in~ tired in lit' tesult intl fracas. A snuilar disturbance at an earlier brown eort~ert set nIl s"rtes of hanntn~s at vie Albert flail. but in liii' ease the actual show ran stiiootlil~,

SaSa Di has been signed by ( re\te~ 1hflt~ R~c~ds.

Rick prin~f~eEd. \u trjti~fl pop wcr. Londøn t~ hcin.~ a p(Otl~flLfl.

The three members who left Rick ” '-f j Nelson’s Stone t amm Band Allen Kemp. Pal Shanahan and ,. Steve love have formed (heir . . j own band called simply t'a'nyon.

th Nat~onai Larnpoon~s n~ irün~ evu~. fC~ fltt~l UJt I.tUktl tottr~n.g ot p~nIie~. A hw~ from \`il (3~t~ 4 N V ) run k .hcduli~d to oi 1L'iU~' witi~ th~ \luv tours.

You can expect a live Beach Boys ■album in the coming months, featuring “Good Vibrations.” ’ ' *’"Heroes & VtttaW' "Wild r olloney,” “Don’t Worry’ Baby,”; J and the grand finale “lumpin’ Jatk I lash ” Smile js still being piomiscd but don’t hold >«»ur breath; . s>

The cause of Grateful Dead . vocalist/organist Ron "Pigpen” . . Me Kern ah’s March deatkhas been established as massive cirrhosis ol the livei “He was a juicer.” asserted Dead spokesman Jmy Garcia. ‘ that’s whdt did him in ” Ol the 1 uncial services. Garua - said “they were a bummer. They had an lush Catholic priest to say kind words, but it was for the straights."

; Bob Dylan is reportedly looking | for a house m Malibu. California He appeared briefly at LA’s Troubador to sec old friend David Blue peVfonUi'thOI hid himself j away in a studio to remix the tapes he cut |n MexW’City'while ip filming Billy the Kid. Assisting . the mix is John Lennon,

Gilbert O’Sullivan’s new single is culkd "Get Down.~ W&1I beh~ve I it when we see it.

You can expect more Cream albums in the future, none of I which will feature any material'. -■ ' . you haven’t heard before Or would want to.

Keith Moon, death-defying WB drummer for die Who, was wounded in action again. A “magic wdnd”gimmick he was experimenting with foi the Who's new stage act exploded unexpectedly, releasing a pellet which grazed his stomach. He was rushed to a local hospital, and released after treatment.

Country Joe McDonald’s no chauvinist! He's hired on three female musicians and a female , booking agent, and recently played for the women's prison at 'Footers, Calif. It was his third women’s prison gig. He say s that I he finds women prisoners soooo much more responsive than men prisoners.

I Producer Terry Melcher’s debut I album, two years in the making, is set for an early summer release by Warners, Sidepeople include Bruce Johnston, Sty Stone, Dons Day (Terry’s mom) and assorted Beach Boys and Byrds. Roger McGuinn, who played on some of the sessions, describes the record glgas “laid-back alcohol music.”

American Spring, which consists I of Marilyn Wilson and Dune Rovell twite and sister-in-law, respect| K-vIv. of un-gcnius brun Wilson) | have been signed to Columbia. |C s. Hie group, who'come closest m . Ilhat a 7th equivalent of an early-GUs girl group should be. released a web-received debut lllbum on l.'A last year An incredible single* “ShyhC AwayW J il&lt be tush-released, with an" , album to felloe.

RoW Kernpf~ th~ Canadian;ter rt~sponsibIe for 1JeLIo, Hooray~~ will soon an iJhuni on (~.l~m.bip.rodue~ by Røh I~zri~ rtd~tc~n~Ken.:pf s the in ii i~i~~1 t~shi~t.. while the guy to his felt is somebody w ho recorded one oi his songs *

The latest m rock-operatic pomposity is called **M©ses*and the Impossible leu,'* performed b> something ulled the 1 ondon Rock Symphony. Die star of the show is reputed to be LA's singing harp.

letry Garcia's got himself another part-time band to fart aroudd -5';wi^fe. Thr one’s called Old and In the Way, a bluegms group in 'Jl .which'Jerry will play banjo. Other members include Rowan Broliters' producer David Diadem and an authentic Rowan Brother, guilanst Peter, forrnei spearhead ol I ai ill Opera and Scatram

Black Sabbath retordmg a live album m bur ope, to be released Igbtnctime m early summer I There's eood chance that within a couple months the Move will be appearing close to where you live. Long-time Move big daddy Roy Wood remains die captain, joined by vocalist Carl Wayne, bassist Rick Price and a couple ot t -gieinber ’’$ of WoodVband Wizzard What this does to Wizard's status is uncertain* hut I if is known that Move alumnus j Jeff Lynne and Bev Bevan will continue to perform only fhe^ • classic ally-oriented dinosaur music of ELO.

i-urther Adventures of Terry Knight Dept: The Idant Corp. of. 64$ Madison Ave., N.Y.C, has been conducting a special mailing to men selected from a computerised list, and our boy Terry was.,'" one of the lucky recipients. Inside I the envelope was a blank co'n'ttacll form ami d small bottle, to hold a ||cpoMi for the film’s sperm bank, to be trn/cn and withdrawn at a future time by the donor The bottle and the contract, both J uniiilod, were relumed by Knight with a note leading "Thanks anyway, but I gave at the office.”

Ran4y Newman looks firm:a~. Igl'arly Simon's new producer

ijjj'he'tto torious Fla min’ ^|||||||;"| Inchest energy-band ever to come out of San l rancisco. have returned fiom a year's residence j Mi I ngland and aie currently negotiating a stateside record 1 deal. Judging, by '|if jpIVsidesf i; released by English liiliillliiil are more than allright.

Pat Nixon is about to iftpeive a ipt of'2,0.00 records from the \ w Record Institute' of America, the% j organization that dispenses gold records. The records, intended fori the White House Library, include I plow Power (the Stooges'), Kick . Out tkejkms (MC5h fm i&fcJ (Kim Fowley), Transformer (Lou Reed) and Sylvester & the Hot Band. (Earth News)

Manesome Dave, guitarist for the, I British boogie beast Foghat, is 1 now sporting a very special guitar. It’s constructed of polished aluminum and has a ruby embedded in die neck, die work of Miamian John Yeieno. It’s one of only seven Valeno has made over the paat two years, with other proud' owners including Eric Clapton, Gregg Altman, Mark Fames and Mate Bofaru |

Captaip||eefhearf was hospitalized late last month, reported^, for a “swelling penal,”