Buddah Records has signed Spider Man! The first Spidey record, From Beyond the Grave, is already out, and a series of Marvel Rockomics will follow.

December 1, 1972

The CREEM Archive presents the magazine as originally created. Digital text has been scanned from its original print format and may contain formatting quirks and inconsistencies.

Buddah Records has signed Spider Man! The first Spidey record, From Beyond the Grave, is already out, and a series of Marvel Rockomics will follow.

Virginia Fairbanks of Oak Park, Mich, has mounted a campaign against Merritt Food Company of Kansas City, Missouri and its new candy — “Bomb Pops.”

“Bomb Pops” are something like popsicles, except that they’re molded into a shape resembling a bomb. According to S.L. Blair, vice-president of Merritt, they’re shaped something like a rocket with six fins — in other words, a bomb.

Said Fairbanks in a letter to the company, “Your subtle attempts to indoctrinate children by making them think bombs are fun is sick.”

Replied Mr. Blair, “We don’t believe in any of the things that Ms. Fairbanks charges. I think that when kids eat bomb pops they’re thinking of something fun." Sure, like napalm, hydrogen, cobalt, TNT ... fun. (Earth News)

Turns out Alvin Lee's a toy freak His favorite: a minature tank that fires missiles. It does battle with his machine gunning robot man.

Chrysalis Records (Jethro Tull, Procol Harum) has finally set up over here. They’ll still be distributed by Warners, though.

The Manchester (New Hampshire) Bank is being rennovated so they decided to build a symbolic temporary structure in which to house the money moguls. It’s a two story pig, which probably says less than we think it does about bankers, banking and banks.

The Bee Gees are set to star in a non-musical horror flick. “The Castle,” being filmed this fall in Yugoslavia. The Gibb brothers (Barry, Maurice, Robin) will also compose and perform the film’s sound track.

Supreme Court Justice William Rehnquist on pornography laws: “There is no set of laws which is more screwed up — make that confused.”

CREEM contributor, and author of Sound of the City, Charlie Gillett and his partner, Gordon Nelki, have announced the launching of Oval Records. Oval’s intent is to reissue great old records. Says Mr. Gillett, “We’ll be looking for American material of all styles and era to issue in Britain on compilation LP’s which will aim for a general audience. So if we could get hold of Jack Scott records, for instance, we would rather spread him across several compilation albums instead of just packaging something called Jack Scott’s Greatest and leaving it to specialist collectors to pick up.” Oval’s address is Oval Records, 156 Kennington Park Rd., London SE11, 4DJ, England. There are no records out yet, but stay tuned, ’cause we’ll tell you when...

The Guess Who are recording in Rome. Ultimate G.W. fan L.C. Bangs will produce.

Mike Curb heads Performers for the President. Others involved include Sammy Davis, Bobby Goldsboro, Tommy Roe, Allan Osmond, the only one of the Brothers old enough to vote, the Carpenters, Solomon Burke (Mick Jagger wept.), the Frijid Pink (John Sinclair wept.) and the Mike Curb Congregation (Bill Drake laughed.)

The Hijacker Profile is the process by which the Feds determine who the most likely candidates to try to hitch rides to Cuba, Algeria and other exotic climes might be. It’s a pretty broad profile, but here’s the kind of guy it picks up.

The subject in question, according to the Miami Herald, stood tall and straight, wearing a navy regulation haircut and using an assumed name “to avoid publicity,” The passenger was searched.and released, without revealing his actual identity. He turned out to be President Nixon’s son-in-law, David Eisenhower, grandson of Ike.

Ad of the Month: “WANTED: Narcissitic fender rhythm guitarist for up and coming rock band. Minimal technique ok. Call Tom 260-1114.” (Village Voice,

August 31.)

The Public Affairs Committee, a non-profit organization, has prepared a booklet on adolescent rights to health care -particularly their right to care without parental consent. ‘’The Rights of Teenagers As Patients” explores the issue of confidentiality, complexities of state laws on adolescent patients, the kinds of medical care most urgently required and new health services specifically designed to meet those needs. It’s available for 35 cents from Public Affairs Committee, 381 Park Ave. S.,

New York, NY 10016.

Cheech and Chong recently escaped a day in court that could have been funnier than anything in their act when the Bambu rolling paper company withdrew its threatened suit against the Ethnic yuksters. Seems the company was scared that the parody of their packaging on C&C’s last album might cause the public to associate them with disreputable elements, but when the latest sales figures started rolling in (so to speak) they learned an overdue lesson in hip capitalism and decided ’twas the better part of profit, fads and free PR not to look a gift hippie in the mouth.

Disney World will soon have a , neighbor. A 29 acre amusement park called Bible World (alternatively, Bible Land) is scheduled to be built nearby in Orlando, Fla. by an Atlanta company. The ‘' amusement park is expected to open next fall. We’d like to see what kind of celebrities they' bring in for their grand „ opening.*. (Earth News)®

. The Hamilton Radio Report says I a presidental commission has recommended that the National Anthem, "The Star Spangled ' Banner,” be replaced -, BwtyVBack in the

U.S.A.” Is this the vindication pf^ Jon Landau and the MC5? (FN) ‡\

ne Maryland Psy chiatrie *s Research Center wss^o6ded.'y^h' phone calls when word got out li&jp they were having trouble';; j locating v^uhte^,jlir;ji3|Mil marijuana experimentation program ^

J^Bssissippi. The dope there is -i^>dyd]|yip|'-very'Mgh: qhpity.'^'; ;;:fd;HC'tean 400 phbnd§t&^ were received by 9 a.m. Sept. 26, after a brief mention had speared in tire Baltimore Sun.

The switchboard was shut down,

I and persons arriving at work had i III fight their way through ( enormous crowds at the door o#;v , j the center’s building in Baibuito^:^ Unfortunately, most of the applicants were between 16-18 and had to be turned awtltll because ||e program’s minimum age is 21.'

The clincher is this, according^".

Times: “The studjl

began after an experiment with cats showed the animals improved in their performance hf a task after eating regular doses of marijuana,” Human volunteers wpuld smbke the weed, then-be' J asked to perform simple tasks.

The title of the album from Elvis’ round-the-world closed circuit. TV broadcast will be Aloha from * Hawaii, However, Mr, Presley is ' not expected to cornmjfcit suicide for the event

Southem California promoter J.C* | Agajanian has scheduled what '.may be literally the greatest, ;;'' ^ sickest show on earth.

Topping the bill Is Evel Knievel who will leap over 50 ffr cars, Maed up |n iLoiliiiMigi Coliseum, Los Angeles* 100,000 seat football stadium.

Also scheduled is the All-Star Demolition Derby. Featured performers include Parnelll Jones

Mario Andretti behind the wheel Van $11,000 Continental and ||2» Foyt driving d|^4,000 Rolls Royce. Prize money is $20,000 to the last car am! driver still' ; ,sj

running. ‘ '

The show, scheduled for February Jlte^fcas already had its grande finale cancelled.

Supposed to have been an airplane dash UMI a scale model Of the Empire jState Budding. ' *'

The Wind Harp has been dropped Hy DA, because. tliMil

Hollywood script writer Martin Field has designed a “women’s Mb” de;&of card* in wtdeb.thb * Quee^utranks the King and the Princess is called Jackie. It*s called the “Queen-High Equality Deck,” Field is also working on an annual report of a ^oinen’s lib” organization, one of whose officers buys forbidden hard-core items like perfume, cosmetics,!


' AlexiS'Komer Will ns|rate^|hd('| Rolling Stones Story, a series of j BBC Radio One programmes. Vo air,hextyearon the British H ” network. Ttte 13 week ,

Similar to the Beatles series Radio

ABKCO Records is being sued by" Capitol over the Mark, Ban & Terry album cover. Seems Capitol decided teat the project’s cover looked a bit too much like Mark, bn & Mel the Grand Funk hits

Phil Speetor was held up on Sunset Strip. The bandits made "Off with $2,800 spectorbueks, and if you think he was twitehy 'before ,'y

George Plimptof^ who has, among other things, been a Detroit Lion

about it, Paper Lion, says bis next surrogate vocation wili be an evening’s performance si Rolling Stonix^ad^ii^M ■ Rodpey Bingenheimer with the fl

After that, Plimpton says, he's tf§Pgp|.b^ Muhammad All. '

suddenly been brought to | perfection with tee plan of a

the Allman Brothers and Grateful ate reportedly to

^Bp|mewhere between eight and: V0hours,'featuring only tee two'; groups and their various | offshoots.

Grace Slice and Paul Kantner’s house In Bolinas, Ca. is up for sale in case you’re in the market The price is a piddling $195,000*

Ronan O’Rahilly, the MC5’s new*manager, has announced plans to ^st^pk'“second Radio Caroline.” O’Rahilly owned, the' f ship, banned five years ago

Also Opening on Broadway, .ig following Neil Diamett and Alice Cooper’s lead, axe Carole King and John Denver. Jose Feliciano bombed in his attempt however, so it ain’t all bright lights/big city even on tee Golden Way*

Latest Terry Knight flashes;

*He’s filed a $3 million trademark suit against CMA booking agency, i Roy Silver, its hea'd, Levinson & j Ross Public Relations, Robert gj Levinson and Al Ross pf L&R, and Andy Cavaliere, who has been representing Grand Funk Railroad. Two other CMA employees were also named In tee spit, Which seeks to prevent tee ' GF trademark from being'Used; o;; without authorization from j Knight whossi

*has been awarded a judgement : permitting him to continueto act as administrator of Grand Rubik * Enterprises.

Brown Bag Records* with four acts, none of whom ^ Knight produces or manages.

.Tldne Ofteem are Tu^fe 'they include ex-prd boxer Cleveland ;J Robinson, Mom’s Apple Pi$,$o|m and Wild Cherry. -According to Craig Braun | (who designed Sticky Fingers and Roiling Stones Records logo, end Alice and Cheech and Chong*s j latest "The entire

1 Brown Rajgj concept was created

high-pressure image of the last three years. It’s absolute grass roots. Everything from the dust jackets, singles sleeves, business -cards, envelopes dud letter-heads to the actual label itself is made; of authentic brown-bag paper. Mr. Knight even insisted it be bio-degradable paper.” *For news of some TK litigation' that has already beeny'SetfleMll check the ad in this issue. B

Cleveland’s Hopkins International Airport was closed recently after “hundreds of thousands” earthworms crawled onto its longest runway. AIP will have tee early next month/fll