Dear Creem: I feel that your very well-written article concerning the Detroit scene in the first anniversary issue greatly under estimated the heavy Detroit radio scene by failing to acknowledge the existence of WDET-FM. WDETFM, which is right next to WXYZFM which is right next to WKNRFM which is right next to WABXFM, is non-commercial and is located on the Wayne State campus.

April 1, 1970

The CREEM Archive presents the magazine as originally created. Digital text has been scanned from its original print format and may contain formatting quirks and inconsistencies.


Dear Creem:

I feel that your very well-written article concerning the Detroit scene in the first anniversary issue greatly under estimated the heavy Detroit radio scene by failing to acknowledge the existence of WDET-FM. WDETFM, which is right next to WXYZFM which is right next to WKNRFM which is right next to WABXFM, is non-commercial and is located on the Wayne State campus. More importantly, its format consists of much high enerhy jazz, some classical music and good, hard rock and roll six nights a week from 11P.M. to 1 A.M.

Also, your article stated that the White Panther Party was originally pretty much a vehicle for promoting the MC5. Because of the great financial support given the WPP by the MC5, 1 can affirm that your statement is false. The fact is, the MC5 was pretty .much a vehicle for promoting the politics of the White Panther Party.

Right on, A1 Safian

To the Editors:

It was evident that in the most recent “Creem” the small piece of news about “Shocking Blue” was not correct. Especially to a die hard Dutch band freak. I speak of course of “GOLDEN EARRING” the most popular of all the Danish bands, the first band to dome to the U.S. from Holland months ago. Although I will admit that their reception was not preceded by a #1 top 40 single I doubt if thes^days that means a hell of a lot. Please correct this statement as I am sure that others noticed besides myself.

Sincerely yours,

Victoria Htulpin

I was in Kansas City last week, and saw something which can only be described as bizarre. There, in a recordshop near the junior college, next to the latest CSN&Y album, was an underground, or bootleg record called “Veronica’s Friend Sings.” I was told by the store manager that it was a clandestinely recorded album of THE ARCHIES!!!!!! I didn’t even know the Archies existed! It was selling for $3.85, and had a plain brown cover except for the title. It was on the Black Burn label, whatever that is. The story I was told was that the Archies were fooling around one afternoon, and a “friend” left the tape recorder on and captured their sound for posterity. I can’t think who’d buy even a legit Archies record, so this “bootleg” version must really be a flop. But I thought your public should be aware of what the fuck is happening.

Ed Arn Jackson, Michigan