Tim Leary Jailed

As of this writing, Dr. Timothy Leary is behind bars for the illegal possession of marijauna. His so John and wife Rosemary are out o bail. However, Judge McMilla does not feel that Leary should be roaming the streets, and therefore refused him bail.

March 1, 1970

The CREEM Archive presents the magazine as originally created. Digital text has been scanned from its original print format and may contain formatting quirks and inconsistencies.

Tim Leary Jailed

As of this writing, Dr. Timothy Leary is behind bars for the illegal possession of marijauna. His so John and wife Rosemary are out o bail. However, Judge McMilla does not feel that Leary should be roaming the streets, and therefore refused him bail. Of course, Leary h appealing the ruling and conviction, but for the time being, the U.S. government has won a small victory by incarcerating one of the most knowledgeable scientists on the subject of psychedelic drugs and their use to date.

A jury of six men and six women convicted the three Learys on Thursday, February 20, in Santa Ana on charges stemming from an arrest made in Laguna Beach on December 2 6, 1968. The jury arrived at a verdict soon after being instructed by the Judge to ignore Leary’s previous narcotics arrests.

They has listened carefully while John Ragle, an Orange County crime lab technician, described in rather uncertain terms the materials allegedly taken from the “Leary drugmobile.” Ragle’s testimony was opinionated and somewhate questionable in content, as it was largely personal conclusion and conjecture.

At several crucial points, Judge McMillan overruled justifiable and concrete objections made by the defense counsel. As the prosecution drew its cross-examination to a close, Herr Ragle admitted that his practical experience in the field of psychedelic sleuthing was, in fact, quite limited.

Before the afternoon session was called to order, several green -uniformed S.S. officers gathered in a secluded corner of the courtroom and discussed at great lenght the entertaining aspects of beating longhaired prisoners. One of the pigs contributed a lengthy monologue on the techniques of swinging street people into walls and various immobile objects through the use of the natural handle provided by long hair.

In examining Officer Neil Purcell, the defense inquired as to the contents of a purse that had been examined at an earlier date by the witness. Purcell replied that he had no recollection of any such object, and when the defense produced the item Purcell declared that his memory had been refreshed.

Another pig, Detective George Pfletz, stated that he found nothing in a black canvas bag that appeared to belong to Dr. Leary. The black bag caused a considerable amount of confusion during the trial and Leary was convicted partially on evidence obtained from the aforementioned bag.

The sentencing will take place March 16, in the same courtroom. Though this case has not been given much publicity even in the underground it is nevertheless

important in the overall picture of Amerika from 1960 to 1970. Psychedelics have revolutionized this culture more than anyone could have ever dreamed of in 1943.They have opened up the eyes of many people to the hypocrisies and lies this country has built its foundations upon. Although Leary’s trial did not take the dramatic extremes the Chicago trial did, itis nonetheless an example of the repressive theatrics being performed by the Imperialist Mime Troupe currently in vogue in the White House.

Visiting hours for Dr. Leary are Wednesdays from 5 to 7 p.m., Saturdays from 8 to 10 a.m. and 12 to 3 p.m., and Sundays from 8 to 10 a.m. in the Orange County Jail in Santa Ana.

The address of the Timothy Leary Defense Fund (Holding Together) is:

HOLDING ' TOGETHER P.O.Box 5017 Berkeley, California

Courtesy Long Beach Free Press, Mike Ezra Berg & Bill Biber.